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全國最大-泰山石敢當 The largest “Taishan stone” of Taiwan

  • 景點位置:西螺 Xiluo
  • 石敢當具有納福、驅風、避邪、止煞、防水、消災的功能,位於延平路頭堤岸上。 The Taishan stone tablet, which was erected to ward off evil spirits, has the function of bringing the luck of enjoying the life of ease and comfort, redirect the wind, stop demons, prevent the water damage and help

振文書院 Zhen Wen Academy

  • 景點位置:農西路與文昌路口 Intersection of Xingnong West Rd. and Wenchang Rd
  • 振文書院位於興農西路與文昌路口,其前身為文昌帝君祠。 Zhen Wen Academy was built right at the intersection of Xingnong West Rd and Wenchang Rd as an ancestral hall of the Gods of Literature (Wenchang Gods).


  • 景點位置:西螺大橋前畔
  • 坐落於西螺大橋前畔,原稱北壇,昔為一片墓園,嘉慶年間由善士李明德發起建立,供奉地藏王菩薩及先人遺骸。一者供人膜拜,再者止煞消災,自是以後地方日漸發展

西螺大橋雕塑公園 Xiluo Sculpture Park

  • 景點位置:西螺大橋東側公園 East side Xiluo Bridge park
  • 2000年西螺大橋觀光文化節創辦之初,除大橋保存,環境改善等主旨外,同時尋求大橋轉型目標,欲將大橋規劃成為「世界最長藝術雕塑橋樑」。2001年辦理楊英風、朱銘、高燦興、薩燦如、王秀玘等名家雕塑展 . Xiluo Bridge Cultural Festival was founded in spring of 2000, in order to bring Xiluo back into the spotlight after years of declining fame and suppo

廣福宮 The Guang Fu Temple

  • 景點位置:西螺 Xiluo
  • 廣福宮俗稱新街媽祖廟。創立於乾隆25年(西元1760年)。 Guang Fu Temple, also commonly known as ‘New Matsu Temple’, was established in the 25th year of the Emperor Qianlong’s reign (1760).