2016西螺國際當代藝術季Xiluo Contemporary Art Festival 2016-駐地藝術家徵選 初選名單 Artist in residence primaries selection Announced
駐地藝術家徵選 初選名單公布
初選名單係根據藝術家提供的申請資料,從藝術家過往的經驗、經歷與創作之中,並考量「2016西螺當代藝術季」展現的豐富與多樣評選。為能讓藝術家們更具體認識西螺這個創作與展演的場域,主辦單位擬邀請初選名單中的16位藝術家,於5/6或5/7(二天擇一天)前來西螺,我們將於當日14:00-16:00安排場地導覽解說(集合地點:螺陽文教基金會/雲林縣西螺鎮延平路92號),並據此請藝術家於5/10以前提出創作計畫書及最少兩張構想圖,最後預定於5/11決定「2016西螺當代藝術季駐地藝術家名單」並以電話通知。若無法於5/6或5/7前來的藝術家,請於5/7以前自行前來探查場地。任何相關問題,歡迎撥打電話詢問:(05)5861444 / 5860101。
Xiluo Contemporary Art Festival 2016
Artist in residence primaries selection Announced
After the selection meeting was held by the organizer, was determined that the list of this year "Artist in Residence 2016 Xiluo Contemporary Art Festival" will have a total of 16 participants, meanwhile the final list will have 10 participants.
This primary list is based on the information provided by the artists, their past experience and creations, and also consider the will of the organizer to have a rich variety of styles during the festival. To allow artists to learn more about Xiluo environment and their future workplace, the organizer intend to invite these 16 artists to Xiluo, May 6th and 7th (just one day is required). We will arrange guided tours booth day from 14:00 to 16:00(meeting point: Louyoung Cultural & Education Foundation / No.92, Yenping Rd., Xiluo Township, 648 Yunlin County, Taiwan). After this meeting the artists will have to submit their ideas and their primary project to the organizer (at least 2 sketches are required including the choice of the exhibit’s spot), the deadline will be May 10th. May 11th the final list for "Artist in Residence 2016 Xiluo Contemporary Art Festival" will be published, and the participants will be called. The artists, who can not come during this period, are welcome to come before May 6th to make their own survey. Any questions please call: (05) 5861444 / 5860101.
For foreign artists who are not being able to come, the organizer will provide complete information and images of Xiluo’s territory to help the artists to create and submit their project to the organization.
大谷俊一 |
趙馥樂 |
宇田奈緒/溫又柔 |
吳修銘 |
新保 裕 |
鄭惠文/Zihan Karim |
Fiona Paterson |
黃蘭雅 |
吉田敦 |
張巧玉 |
尼誕‧達給伐歷 |
徐瑞謙 |
趙書榕 |
彭奕軒 |
李簣至 |
廖昭豪 |