油畫達人-曾良美 Oil Paintings Shop – Ceng Liangmei
Oil Paintings Shop – Ceng Liangmei
Location: No 1 Yanping Rd. 4.3 lane, Xiluo
The main theme of Ceng master’s works is Matzu (Goddess of sea and navigation) and the local culture. In 2007 Mr. Huang Haidai created a masterpiece called “Pass away to become immortal”, which won the 3rd prize in the Yunlin County Art Competition.
The main theme of Ceng master’s works is Matzu (Goddess of sea and navigation) and the local culture. In 2007 Mr. Huang Haidai created a masterpiece called “Pass away to become immortal”, which won the 3rd prize in the Yunlin County Art Competition. Ceng master’s works of art have been exposed in Beigang History Museum for long time. Now his hope is that literature, art masterpieces and culture in general can reach more and more people. He said: “Althought the Eastern Market is very basic, it is a happy place and everyone who comes to visit it fells in love with its simplicity”
Adress: No 1 Yanping Rd 4.3 Lane, Xiluo
Telephone number: 05-5863656
e-mail: liangmeei@yahoo.com.tw