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童心園 - The Children's Heart Garden

  • 景點位置:西螺 Xiluo
  • 配合週圍環境,整修成像高弟建築般的兒童藝術城堡。後來經過社區居民投票命名為「童心園」。Combining harmoniously with its surroundings, the image of Children's Heart castle was restored taking inspiration from Gaudi’s style. After the vote of Xiluo’s residents, the monument was named Tongxin (Children

捷發乾記茶莊-西螺老街文化館 Jie Fa Qian Ji Tea Shop-Xiluo Cultural Center

  • 景點位置:西螺鎮延平路92號 No. 92 Yengping road, Xiluo
  • 清末,捷發茶莊創始人許金先生,自福建省泉州渡海來台,在西螺落腳創辦茶莊,取名捷發乾記茶莊。 At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the merchant Mr. Xu Jin came from Quanzhou in Fujian province (China) to Xiluo and set up a tea shop called Jie Fa Qian Ji Tea Shop.

西螺大橋 - Xiluo Bridge

  • 景點位置:西螺 Xiluo
  • 橫跨濁水溪的西螺大橋,是昔日台灣西部縱貫公路的交通要道。西元1912年,北斗溪與虎尾溪的溪水匯集到西螺溪(濁水溪) . Streched across Zhuo Shui river, Xiluo Bridge in former days was part of the vital communication traffic way on the south of Taiwan which passed through the island from north to south. In 1912 th

福興宮 - Fu Xing Temple

  • 景點位置:西螺 Xiluo
  • 福興宮俗稱舊街媽祖廟。奉祀主神是天上聖母(媽祖)。Fu Xing Temple, situated on the Yanping Road, is commonly known as “Mazu Temple on the Old Street”; sacred to the goddess of sea and navigation, Mazu.

東市場 - Eastern Market

  • 景點位置:西螺鎮延平路35-49號 Yanping Road no. 35-49
  • 東市場位於濁水溪渡船頭附近,清朝時即因南北商旅匯集而形成市集。初期於現今市後街一帶,後來擴大到延平路街面 The Eastern market is located nearby the Zhuo Shui River. At the time of Qing dynasty the travelling merchants and the trade caravans who reached this place started to collect and give shape to a smal